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December 23, 2003

New distribution list about libraries

Castilla y León Library has included a new distribution list to the e-mail list it had.It is BIBECLE, e-mail list and information of ecclesiastical libraries.”BIBECLE was born with the purpose of being the e-mail list of the Spanish ecclesiastical libraries. Its aim is to facilitate the interchange of information, experiences and oppinions related to ecclesiastical libraries and, in general, to potenciate the communication and coordination among people working directly or indirectly in this field.Appart from this list, in Castilla y León Library are the files of PUBLICAS, Foro de Debate de las Bibliotecas Públicas Iberoamericanas; USUABSYS users of Absys, INFODOC, Library and Information Science mailing list y NORMAWEB, Foro de Debate sobre Normalización para la Recuperación de Información en Internet.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: December 23, 2003

December 11, 2003

Magazine on-line on public libraries

The electronic magazine Pez de Plata: Bibliotecas a la Vanguardia has begun to be published; made from Chile it was born with the purpose of being an engine of spreading of initiatives related to public libraries. In the first number different contributions attesting this aim appear: Las tecnologías de la información y su incidencia entre los usuarios y los profesionales de la biblioteca pública ( Information technologies and their impact among public libraries users and professionals);La biblioteca pública, un agente de cambio al servicio de su comunidad (Public library, an agent for change at the service of its community;El Estado y la gestión de la biblioteca pública (State and public library managing);Sinopsis de las bibliotecas públicas chilenas (Synopsis of public libraries in Chile,and Bibliotace pública y municipio (Public library and municipalicy) are the published articles in the first number. Besides, this magazine web gives reviews from other interesting sites and documents and it keeps a weblog on public libraries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: December 11, 2003

December 10, 2003

World Summit on information society

Today is the first stage of World Summit on Information Society which will take place in Geneva from December 10th to 12th 2003 and where they want to adopt an statement of principles and an action plan. The second stage will take place in Tunisia from November 16th to 18th 2005.
Information about the summit and the documents it has already generated can be consulted in its web.
In the project of statement of principles there is a reference to libraries:
“23.We should conceive and apply policies which create a propitious climate of stability and loyal competence at all levels, to attract more private investing for the development of TIC infrastructure and this serve also to fulfil the universal service obligations in those regions where the traditional trade conditions don’t let it. In the least advantaged regions the stablishment of public access points to the TIC in post offices, schools, libraries and archives offices can guarantee the universal access to the services and infrastructure of information society efficiently.”
“26.A rich public domain is a essential factor of the grouth of information society, because it creates advantages such as an informed audience, new jobs, innovation, commercial opportunities and science advance. The easy information access of public domain is essential in the information society, as well as the protection of this information against any misappropriation. We should empower public entities such as libraries and archives, museums, cultural collections and other common access points to promote the preservation of registers and documents and the free and equitable access to information.
“32.Authors, publishers and content producers, as well as teachers, instructors, archivists, librarians and pupils must play an active role in the promotion of information society, specially in the least advantaged countries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information society | Published: December 10, 2003