February 02, 2008

Angouleme rewards quality

The international festival of comics, which is held annually in Angoulême (France), it remains essential to find a reference publishing projects devoted to graphic literature in all its variants. Each January, the Festival International de la Bande Dessinée celebrates its exhibition, which presents news, discusses comics and delivered the prizes to the best album released in the previous year. Between 24 and February 27, 2008 has taken place the 35 th edition of this important festival, which gave his Fauve d'Or prize for best album at best, to work Là où vont nos pères, Shaun Tan, edited by Dargaud. Unlike in other years, the winning entry was published in Spain. With the title Emigrants, Barbara Fiori editorial published in April 2007 this conmevodora history, where the words are substituted by locuaces images created by Shaun Tan, author of international standing, whose previous works have also been published in Spain by Editorial Cadiz. The award recognizes both the value of a story full of humanity, as the quality of an artist that has been established between the major representatives of a realistic illustration and personnel. In addition, the award should serve as an impetus to new Spanish publishers, who are offering collections laden with beauty and risk.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: February 02, 2008

January 08, 2008

The best books of 2007

As each end of the year, various institutions and publications have released their list of most important books of the year. Thus, the Centre International Book Children and Youth has published its guide What +2007, where a selection age of the titles most original, creative, amusing or exceptional quality. The guide is supplemented by section Ideal Gift, which contains albums and books most impressive this year, according to the center's staff that makes the selection. Along with this, you can find other guides reading, conducted in the following years. Also, different cultural magazines have relied on the opinion of his colleagues to establish what had been the best texts of the year. Magazine Cultural be, as usual, has published their relationship, distinguishing between books of fiction and nonfiction, in addition to other selections, as classical music. The works best value in terms of fiction books have been Crematorio (Anagrama), Rafael Chirbes; The heart ice cream (Tusquets), Almudena Grandes and White's father (Anagrama) of Belen Gopegui. As to the books of non-fiction, the list is headed by forgetting the reason (Debate), Juan Jose Sebreli, followed by The sleep of reason indomitable (topics today), Ricardo Garcia Jail, and Goodbye Catalonia (Espasa), Albert Boadella. The supplement Babelia has also chosen his best ten books of the year, whose first three posts are Life and destination (Gutenberg Galaxy), Vasili Grossman; Your Face Tomorrow 3. Venom and shade and goodbye (Alfaguara), Javier Marias, and The benevolent (RBA), Jonathan Littell.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: January 08, 2008

December 29, 2007

Firmin, rather than a novel about reading

The novel Firmin: Adventures Of A Metropolitan Lowlife, which published Seix Barral in October 2007, is causing a great small earthquake in our country. Firmin is the first piece of American Sam Savage, which, with just over a year in the international market, is becoming a reference book, especially for those who already enjoy reading. A work of those who love to read, recommend, gift. The argument can be summed up in one sentence: the life of a rat born in a bookstore and is fed with books and reading. But just as well describe this book would be a mistake, since Firmin is the novel where a character who is born is called to cling to the best positions on the lists of the most borrowed from the library, the librarians who devoted exhibitors and kind comments reading guides, who blogs recommendations literary devoted his best phrases, which workshops reading exprimirán without modesty. The original edition has already been recognized by the profession as the RUSSIAN Section reference librarians of the ALA, has been included within the books of fiction highlights of 2007. Most striking of the future Firmin phenomenon is the risky bet he has done Seix Barral, representing a milestone in the history of the Spanish edition. Firmin has fallen in love so to editors Spaniards who have launched an original and well-raised promotional campaign, in addition to acquiring worldwide rights to the work, as highlighted by the daily El Pais in its issue of December 27, 2007. The publisher knows that Spain has found a novel that defends itself, which, in addition to the economic efforts made, is conducting a clever promotion for Firmin, passing through a video on YouTube, a special edition with postcards or a pin that was a gift with the purchase of a copy, which reproduces the illustration on the cover and that carried proudly fans Firmin. In addition, Seix Barral has been especially careful editing, publishing in the library collection Formentor, with a translation as neat as his character and some illustrations that give the final shape to the protagonist without diminishing drawings of the original edition. Firmin rat is a reader who devours relentlessly all works in the bookstore will happen in much of his life, from the title of criminology until philosophy or literature more demands more educated, but it is also a lover of good jazz , cinema in general-including porn-and the words, which serve as the title for the feelings (and people). Savage has turned Scollay Square in a new literary landscape and has birthed a creature of humanity that literary will join the roster of characters that made their fantasize Firmin. Firmin, imminent top librarian.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections Reading | Published: December 29, 2007

September 01, 2006

Comics in public libraries

Public libraries are paying more attention to their comic collections, as it is an attractive, contemporary, and very required holding by users. Some libraries, as the Biblioteca Regional of Murcia, have created their comicteca, as an specific part; it is also in the Biblioteca Municipal of Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca), where it has been edited a complete reading guide, called La fiesta dibujada, (the drawn party), or the Biblioteca Tecla Sala, from the City Council of Hospitalet (Barcelona), which publishes the bulletin Còmic Tecla, which is a referent for professionals and fans of this genre. The Municipal libraries in La Coruña, have put on line the blog Falamos de Cómics, (talking about comics), where the novelties are reviewed. There are another libraries interested in comics and related documents, that can be found in the website @bysnet, that in the section Comics and libraries are gathering articles about themes, style, trends, etc. The Colegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes in Catalunya has created the the working group Biblioteca i Còmics, in order to promote wath libraries and users call ninth art.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: September 01, 2006

June 16, 2006

Blogs for library collection development

Weblogs are being an excellent tool to spread information about monographies. A good example is La tormenta en un vaso, where a book is commented daily. The group Banda aparte, formed by about half hundred people related to Literature: authors, librarians, etc, is in charge of the weblog, where they are showed good-quality and useful reviews, aimed to be tools for the selection of books in the libraries. Weblogs technology has been chosen by the Universidad de Murcia, (Murcia University), as its publications service has started the weblog Tombuctú, from where they spread their publishing news.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: June 16, 2006

May 25, 2005

The Internet resources selections

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia library has put its Guías BIBUNED online, in which they offer the Internet resources organized in Regions (Comunidades Autónomas). This selection joins to the existing about reference works, one of the most complete pages in Spanish about information sources online. On the other hand, the portal Travesía has included, in its section Ideas para bibliotecarios (Idesas for librarians), the page Recursos de Internet para usuarios de bibliotecas públicas (Internet Resources for public libraries users), from which they give access to those free servers that have been considered useful for public libraries. All the resources are accompanied with a short indicative summary about its content.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources Library collections | Published: May 25, 2005

June 17, 2003

Collection development in libraries

It is not usual to find collections development policies in public libraries, although it would be desiderable, due to the importance of creating a quality collection. That is why we should comment on two initiatives carried out in this direction in Catalonia. In one hand, the Servei de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona has published its collection development policy in a document that can be downloaded from its web. On the other hand, the Servei d’Informació Selectiva, from the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, has made a complete selection of what must be the basic fund in a public library. The different selections of documents can be downloaded en PDF fron this service web.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: June 17, 2003

May 24, 2003

Study on library collections

The Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez has made a study on Spanish public libraries collections, directed by Hilario Hernández. The electronic version, bigger than the printed one, can be consulted in the server Bibliotecas.info. This study complements the one realized about public libraries in Spain, that can be consulted in Travesía.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: May 24, 2003