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August 29, 2006

Lebanese Libraries Blog

Diferent professionals from Lebano and France, has just created the blog called Biblian, in which it is described the situation after the bombings happened in July and August in 2006. Up to now, the messages in the blog give information about the situation of public readnig during and after the attacks and after making appeals for librarians in all the world, or after the consecuences of the attacks in Lebanese publishing world. In the pictures gallery, you will see the state of some libraries after the Israeli bombings. The blog also informs about how to give economic aid in order to restorate libraries that have been closed. The public reading network, included 70 libraries, 33 of which were closed, 4 were afected for bombings, and only 37 are normally or partially opened.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: August 29, 2006

August 24, 2006

International Collective Catalog

The OCLC has put on line, for public search, the collective catalog WorldCat. From that service it can be looked up more than one billion of bibliographic records from nearly 70 million documents, deposited in 18,000 libraries of all the world. The catalog has a original interface, also showed in Spanish. The searches can be qualified from several faceted criteria. In he data base, it can be cosulted about three million documents in Spanish language, and about 50,000 in Catalan language. The access to Worldcat can be done from the Google and Yahoo search bar, as well as it can be included in the search menu of Mozilla Firefox.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Processing | Published: August 24, 2006

August 18, 2006

Libraries in Navarra

August 18th, 2006
The Instituto de Estadística of Navarra (IEN) has edited the report Las bibliotecas de Navarra en 2004: características y funcionamiento, (Libraries in Navarra in 2004: features and work), which gives basic data of libraries in that Autonomous Region. As it is said in the statistic report, there were 120 libraries in 2004, 81 of them are public. They are given figures about the opening hours, Internet connetions, users, loans, funding, infrastructure and equipment. The IEN is the responsible for the statistical data about libraries in that region, after and agreement signed in 2004 with the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, (National Institute of Statistic, INE).

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Statistics | Published: August 18, 2006