June 16, 2008

Reading and universities

The magazine education and library has spent the dossier of their number in May / June 2008 to the experiences of promoting reading that are developed from universities. The case has been coordinated by Javier Perez Iglesias, who is also the author of the introductory article that provides the framework for this issue. Javier Garcia writes about the cultural mission of the university library, while Dídac Margaix it does on reading, and university resources 2.0. In this special report reflects abundant samples of reader-building initiatives undertaken since universities, like Club reading of the University of Murcia, cultural portals of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the collection Extra BUC at the University of Cantabria, and as various blogs university libraries devoted to books and reading, like 365 days of books (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), connect to reading (Polytechnic University of Valencia) or Biblio-Polis (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). In the dossier had also accommodate two collaborations Magda Pole on college edition, and Maria Jesus del Olmo, on reading and youth in the United States.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading Serials | Published: June 16, 2008

May 13, 2008

Innovation in public libraries

The magazine Professional information has dedicated his number March / April 2008 at public libraries. It is appreciated that publications like this, scientific rigor and international projection, chosen as the theme to cover public libraries, major centers of information dissemination. The special opens with an article by Roser Lozano, director of the Public Library of Tarragona, who offers an excellent summary of issues relating to innovation in library management. Fernando Juarez provides an eloquent text on social Web technologies and applied to libraries, giving the event of the Library of Muskiz, which is responsible. The innovation projects oriented users is the theme chosen by Jose Pablo Gallo, who explained the actions carried out in the Regional Library Murcia, which is the director. Jesus Maria Romera is the author of an article on innovation in services multicultarales of public libraries. In addition, among others, are included collaborations on projects and services of the Network of Public Libraries in Andalusia and on the Portal Biblioteques of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The magazine includes an interview with Maria Antonia Carrato, Assistant Director General for Policy Coordination Librarian librarian in Spain and another interview with John Lake, president of the Public Libraries Section of IFLA, on the adaptation of public libraries in the digital environment.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Public libraries Serials | Published: May 13, 2008

March 10, 2008

Changing aesthetics

The magazine Education and the library has taken advantage of changing year to renew its aesthetics. The number 163, for January / February 2008 introduced a new layout, done tastefully, maintaining legilibidad and offering a composition in which creativity is in equilibrium with pragmatism. In this issue, we review the different venues where the sample has been exposed Library at war since November 2005 when it was opened to the present, collecting impressions of the heads of the different libraries that have visited. Another magazine that has changed its image is professional information, whose numbers 1, volume 17 January / February 2008, introduced a new composition in his deck. The issue is dedicated to free software library, but also pays special attention to the semantic web and ontologies.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: March 10, 2008

December 13, 2007

Women in libraries

12 The number of Entrellat, which publishes the newsletter Grup de Biblioteques Catalan Associades to UNESCO is devoted entirely to women's relationship with the libraries. The group has worked for since 2007 in developing its libraries initiatives for equality, many of which are discussed in this publication. As part provides an article by former MP M. Dolors Renau, bearing the title of Libraries for them, too. A review experiences in the book clubs Badalona, activities in Parets del Vallès, Gavà, Ruby, or Peixauet Binissalem, and the exhibition organized in Cornellà. It offers a selection of works in Catalan literature in Spanish from those contributing ideas on women, feminism and gender equality. This library network was created in 1995 and is composed of some thirty Catalan public libraries, which are working together, following the goals of UNAL, the group of libraries around the world associated with UNESCO.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: December 13, 2007

October 10, 2006

Journal about Asturian Libraries

The government of the Principado de Asturias, started publishing the journal Biblioasturias in 2006. It is a three monthly journal that pretends to be a tool for the spreading of public libraries activities in Asturias. The 15,000 printed issues are distributed among the users of Asturian libraries, as in this journal they are combined professional news and reading suggestions. Up to now, there are three issues, wich maintain a publishig common thinking :breaking news about culture and reading in Asturias, articles about the librarian reality in Asturias, features about public libraries, interviews to personalities from the cultural world, suggestions for users and librarians, and the top read (for adults and children), watched and listened, done from the common system of automated management of loans.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: October 10, 2006

July 27, 2006

Spanish presence in the IFLA

The number 91 of Correo Bibliotecario, published by the Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria(General Section of Librarian Coordination), of the Ministerio de Cultura (Culture Department) It is about the IFLA annual meeting, which will be held in Seoul this year. In that issue, they are given data about spanish people who take part in diferent sections and committees in the IFLA. Moreover, it contains articles written by noteworthy Spanish professionals, with involvement in the IFLA, as Pedro Hípola, Jerónimo Martínez, Cristobal Posadas, Ramón Abad and Assumpta Bailac. As on previous issues, the most prestigious professinal journal, inludes bibliographic news sections, training announcements, and official publications.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: July 27, 2006

April 26, 2005

Library and Information Sciences digital magazines

The investigation group Organització i Recuperació de Continguts Digitals from the Facultat de Bibloteconomía i Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona have started the server Temaria. According to what is said in its presentation “Temaria is an application that lets the miltilingual consultation by subjects to articles of Spanish Information magazines through the elements of Dublin Core (DC). At the moment the application consists of DC metadata of the published articles in Anales de documentación, BiD and Hipertext.net; in the future it will apply to the rest of published articles in Spain. The retrieval can be made through simple or advanced searching, and also through a hierarchic thesaurus. It is one initiative more in support of the open files movement.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: April 26, 2005

December 30, 2004

Building for libraries in the 21th century

Educación y biblioteca magazine dedicates its number of November/December 2004 to the library buildings. The dossier has been coordinated by Juan José Fuentes Romero and it has collaborations from experts such as Didac Martínez, Alfonso Muñoz Cosme and Santi Romero, who was responsible for the work La arquitecura de la biblioteca (The Library Architecture), published by the Colegio de Arquitectos of Catalonia (COAC).
In the monography they include an excellent bibliographic compilation: Literatura profesional sobre construcción y planificación de espacios bibliotecarios (Professional literature on construction and planning of library spaces), realized by José Pablo Gallo Arias, director of Murcia Regional Library. In the bibliographic compilation, great manuals are gathered and commented; manuals on library planning; specialized meetings; magazine complete numbers; articles, comunications and collaborations in general works; papers on theoretical, architectural and historic aspects; documents on accessibility and architectural barriers; norms and evaluation and specific sources about equipments, furniture and design aspects and planning. In this selection web resources are also offered, such as the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section or the Linda Levar’s excellent site Planning and Building Libraries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: December 30, 2004

March 30, 2004

Remodelling Correo Bibliotecario

Correo bibliotecario informative bulletin, published by Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, has changed essentially the digital version of this publication. In the bringing up to date, they have followed the criteria identificating a portal site, according to design and organization of contents; keeping the structure of the sections of the published edition and the complete text of the articles, which distinguished this publication from other of this kind. With this new presentation the Correo Bibliotecario reasserts as an informative recourse of essential interest to the Spanish professionals, where they can know the public libraries activity, new norms and publications and other useful informations.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: March 30, 2004

January 09, 2004

Library bulletins

The Consejería de Cultura of the Junta de Andalicia has started to publish the Boletín de Bibliotecas Públicas de Andalucía that pretends to spread the activity of this wide network of public centres. In this billetin they gather up news of the network and professionals, bibliographic selections and other library materials, and also interesting titles and useful webs. The different numbers can be consulted in this bulletin web files page. In the same way, the first number of Entrellat has been published; bulletin of the group of Catalonian libraries associated to Unesco. With this publication they want to spread the experiences of the different libraries belonging to this group. The bulletin can be unloaded from the Catalonian Centre Unesco Web.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: January 09, 2004

December 11, 2003

Magazine on-line on public libraries

The electronic magazine Pez de Plata: Bibliotecas a la Vanguardia has begun to be published; made from Chile it was born with the purpose of being an engine of spreading of initiatives related to public libraries. In the first number different contributions attesting this aim appear: Las tecnologías de la información y su incidencia entre los usuarios y los profesionales de la biblioteca pública ( Information technologies and their impact among public libraries users and professionals);La biblioteca pública, un agente de cambio al servicio de su comunidad (Public library, an agent for change at the service of its community;El Estado y la gestión de la biblioteca pública (State and public library managing);Sinopsis de las bibliotecas públicas chilenas (Synopsis of public libraries in Chile,and Bibliotace pública y municipio (Public library and municipalicy) are the published articles in the first number. Besides, this magazine web gives reviews from other interesting sites and documents and it keeps a weblog on public libraries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: December 11, 2003

July 10, 2003

Public Libraries and municipality

Educación y biblioteca magazine has dedicated its two last numbers to the relationship between public libraries and municipality. In the number of May/June 2003 they have published several articles and experiences based on the informative, formative and cultural activity of public library for those citizens it serves. In the number of July/August 2003 the articles and experiences deal with aspects related to the plannification of public libraries and how library is a good resource to get the social cohesion and the users accessibility to the information. The article gathering both monographic numbers can be consulted on line.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: July 10, 2003

June 03, 2003

New electronic publicaton on digital documentation

In May 2003 the fisrt number of the annual Hipertex.net has been put online. This publicatión was born with the intention of spreading studies about digital information and documentation and it is promoted by the responsible of the Master en Documentación Digital of the University Pompeu Fabra. In this first number the articles have been grouped in several thematic blocks: digital hypertexts and publications, information organization and SGBD, Internet digital resources exploitation, audiovisual documentation, digital files and logbook design with Javascript.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: June 03, 2003

May 25, 2003

Electronic magazine

The magazine Anales de Documentación, edited by the University of Murcia in printed and electronic format, has put online the articles of the number 6, year 2003. In this article, interesting papers about public, natonal or digital libraries appear, among other subjects.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: May 25, 2003