June 16, 2008

Reading and universities

The magazine education and library has spent the dossier of their number in May / June 2008 to the experiences of promoting reading that are developed from universities. The case has been coordinated by Javier Perez Iglesias, who is also the author of the introductory article that provides the framework for this issue. Javier Garcia writes about the cultural mission of the university library, while Dídac Margaix it does on reading, and university resources 2.0. In this special report reflects abundant samples of reader-building initiatives undertaken since universities, like Club reading of the University of Murcia, cultural portals of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the collection Extra BUC at the University of Cantabria, and as various blogs university libraries devoted to books and reading, like 365 days of books (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), connect to reading (Polytechnic University of Valencia) or Biblio-Polis (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). In the dossier had also accommodate two collaborations Magda Pole on college edition, and Maria Jesus del Olmo, on reading and youth in the United States.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading Serials | Published: June 16, 2008

June 03, 2008

Reading habits in Madrid

We have presented the results of the survey analysis and diagnosis of reading habits in the population of the Comunidad de Madrid. This is a survey conducted by telephone in population over 14 years resident in Madrid between October and November 2007. The 55.7% of respondents are considered frequent readers, a percentage much higher than the national average, which was at 39.6%. The average number of weekly hours devoted to reading stands at 8.20, while those devoted to television were 10.29 and 7.37 hours Internet. The percentage of respondents who are not library users has grown since the survey in 2004. In that year 82.9% said they were not library users, a percentage that has grown up to 83.8% in 2007. The 16.2% of users employ essentially the library loan service (45.3%), followed by the reading room (18.5%) and the study room (13.8%). The survey also examines the reading on the Internet. The 55.9% of respondents used the Internet as an information resource, the professional information being sought in a 33.3% and 30.2% a leisure.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: June 03, 2008

April 03, 2008

Habits of buying books and reading among young people in 2007 in Extremadura

This morning was presented in the new study Caceres habits of reading and buying books in Extremadura, corresponding to 2007 and focused exclusively on young people between 14 and 24 years, which has been developed in the framework of action of the Observatory Book and Reading in Extremadura by the company Connect Research & Consulting.
This study emerging new data about the reading habits of young people Extremadura, a group that is emerging as a reader-mostly more than 70% declaring read books, and 50.5% of them-frequent readers. These figures are very similar to the rest of Spain, where 73.3% of young readers are considered and a 50.7% frequent readers. It shows how the indisputable importance of the family in developing habits readers: nearly 64% of young readers have parents who are also, at 74.5% and their parents read them small. Another relevant question is the popularity of reading, as a 80% stated that he would like to read more. To learn indicators evolutionary reading habits and buying books of Extremadura in the last two years (2006 2007) is available in addition to the platform indicators that the Observatory has just launched Book and Reading in Extremadura, with the objective to publicize a comparative data relating to the world of books and libraries in this region, among which are also statistics on its network of public libraries. The latest Observatory is the recent publication of the latest issue of its Bulletin, which makes the number twelve, which represents a major change from the past, not only by its model and the expansion of its space, but also for their contents, which make it a magazine now on the world of books and libraries in this community.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: April 03, 2008

March 25, 2008

Promoting reading and media

Zaragoza will host 27 and March 28, 2008 Days to promote the reading and media convened with the aim of "putting value on the ability of the media to further promoting the habit reader." The program is divided into five sessions, most of the inauguration. The first may learn from the experiences and views of representatives of cultural magazines, as Mercury, What to read, Read, and Delibros Turia. The second session will focus on the role of cultural and literary supplements of newspapers and with the participation of representatives of Diario de Leon, country, world, ABC and The vanguard. The second day begins with the round table dedicated to the promotion of reading from the radio and continue with the experience of the directors of television programmes devoted to books and reading. Both sessions are planned participation of representatives from national and regional chains which emit literary programs. The last panel will be devoted to discuss the reading in times of the Internet, which will provide publishers of electronic content as Töckland, and Dosdoce The Boomeran(g).

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: March 25, 2008

January 30, 2008

Football and promotion of reading

Van Nistelrooy said that 'The book, the best clocking', Raul Lopez believes that 'Reading is an exciting sport', 'If you read, nobody will end up a goal,' says Iker Casillas. Real Madrid began in January 2008 program Causes and fair, after its campaign of support for immigrants, the reading will be the objective of February, then continue the protection of the environment and other topics of social concern. The month of Real Madrid for the promotion of children's reading has been endorsed by the Ministry of Culture and the Community of Madrid, with whom the sports institution has signed separate agreements. Also have joined the convention other organisations involved in the sport and editing, as well as the sports daily As, which will lend its support to this campaign, which is based on the dissemination of messages through posters, stickers and advertisements in various media communication. The messages will be disseminated, together with program information can be found in the pages of the campaign Fair Grounds and in the press release published on its website.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: January 30, 2008

January 23, 2008

Red Cross rewards program 'I read for you'

The Public Library of Peñaranda Bracamonte has been honored recently by Red Cross with the award for Solidarity in the category of Older Persons. These awards are held annually and have recognized the important work being done with the FGSR seniors through the program 'I read for you' that has developed the Public Library of Peñaranda Bracamonte since 2005. This program brings reading to people who can not read by themselves for physical or mental reasons. It has the participation of a group of sixteen volunteers to read weekly to a total of fifty-one people in the Senior Residence, homes and the Association of Parents of the Handicapped District Peñaranda (ACOPEDIS). In addition to the weekly visits are made parallel activities as meetings with author or storytelling sessions.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: January 23, 2008

December 29, 2007

Firmin, rather than a novel about reading

The novel Firmin: Adventures Of A Metropolitan Lowlife, which published Seix Barral in October 2007, is causing a great small earthquake in our country. Firmin is the first piece of American Sam Savage, which, with just over a year in the international market, is becoming a reference book, especially for those who already enjoy reading. A work of those who love to read, recommend, gift. The argument can be summed up in one sentence: the life of a rat born in a bookstore and is fed with books and reading. But just as well describe this book would be a mistake, since Firmin is the novel where a character who is born is called to cling to the best positions on the lists of the most borrowed from the library, the librarians who devoted exhibitors and kind comments reading guides, who blogs recommendations literary devoted his best phrases, which workshops reading exprimirán without modesty. The original edition has already been recognized by the profession as the RUSSIAN Section reference librarians of the ALA, has been included within the books of fiction highlights of 2007. Most striking of the future Firmin phenomenon is the risky bet he has done Seix Barral, representing a milestone in the history of the Spanish edition. Firmin has fallen in love so to editors Spaniards who have launched an original and well-raised promotional campaign, in addition to acquiring worldwide rights to the work, as highlighted by the daily El Pais in its issue of December 27, 2007. The publisher knows that Spain has found a novel that defends itself, which, in addition to the economic efforts made, is conducting a clever promotion for Firmin, passing through a video on YouTube, a special edition with postcards or a pin that was a gift with the purchase of a copy, which reproduces the illustration on the cover and that carried proudly fans Firmin. In addition, Seix Barral has been especially careful editing, publishing in the library collection Formentor, with a translation as neat as his character and some illustrations that give the final shape to the protagonist without diminishing drawings of the original edition. Firmin rat is a reader who devours relentlessly all works in the bookstore will happen in much of his life, from the title of criminology until philosophy or literature more demands more educated, but it is also a lover of good jazz , cinema in general-including porn-and the words, which serve as the title for the feelings (and people). Savage has turned Scollay Square in a new literary landscape and has birthed a creature of humanity that literary will join the roster of characters that made their fantasize Firmin. Firmin, imminent top librarian.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections Reading | Published: December 29, 2007

November 30, 2006

Murcia Public Reading Map

The Murcia Public Reading Map was presented at the end of October. From this publication, you can know the current situation of the public libraries in this network, that consist of Municipal Libraries. In the Map some data about service points, holdings, vistors and members, infrastructure, equipment, opening hours, lendings, cultural activities, expenditures and staff are given; they are split up by municipalities. It is also offered information about area ratios and reading points, as well as a diagnosis of the current situation of public reading in Murcia. You can find interesting the attachments, the directory of Murcia Public Libraries and the guidelines for the public reading in this region.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 30, 2006

November 24, 2006

Reading recipes

This interesting activity promoted by the Reading Promotion Plan for Extremadura (Plan de Fomento de la Lectura de Extremadura) pretends to turn the drugstores of this Spanish region into reading promotion centers. This initiative, in which both Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos de Extremadura, (Extremaduran Chemists Association) and Consejerías de Cultura, Sanidad y Consumo (Regional Commissions for Culture, Health and Consumer) collaborates, consists in placing exhibitors in all the drugstores of the region in order to offer, as if they were prospectuses, passages from about 40 titles of Spanish and foreign literature, aimed at adults and children. Each prospectus has a fragment in one side and use instructions in the other one. They try to reach that sectors of the population who don’t go to centers for information or reading. A beautiful parallelism between reading and health and well-being underlies in the philosophy of this activity.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 24, 2006

November 17, 2006

Madrid Reading Promotion Plan

The Regional Reading Promotion Plan for Madrid Leer nos diferencia (Reading make us different) has recently been presented with a budget of 500 million euros to invest in 12 years. Among its actions have been announced the building of 12 new public libraries in Madrid city, the creation of a network of about 700 school libraries and a special service for people with limited mobility. Moreover, the extension and update of the collections in public libraries have been planned, as well as the creation of new service points in the underground, the increasing of the number and the surface of municipal libraries in the region —in order to reach the indicator of 18 inhabitans per square meter—, the creation of specialized libraries, the rising of public awareness, etc.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 17, 2006

October 06, 2006

Reading clubs

With the new year, public libraries takes up their activities again and among them, they are the reading clubs, as a basic element for reading promotion and for public participation in librarian life. Fortunately, nowadays there are alot and very varied reading clubs, both in subjects and in the profile of their participants. Guadalajara public library, in Castilla la Mancha, has been pioneering in reading clubs, and the one in the regional service of lending to reading clubs, wich lends lots of books, not only for libraries in the region, but for the exchange of experiences, support and advice between libraries and reading clubs. The thriller reading Club, in the library the Bóbila, in Hospitalet, that has been working since January 2000; The Network of Barcelona Public Libraries, wich has just started eight new reading clubs, beeing 50 in 28 libraries; the Network of Navarra Public Libraries, with 15 libraries with reading clubs, wich has a catalog of bibliographical lots for the lending and exchange among the libraries in the network; the Municipal Library in Peñaranda de Bracamonte, with reading clubs that are for children youth, and adult and wich has a platform for the exchange of views. That initiative is opening up new horizons, and proposals are coming, as the Quijote reading Club through the Internet, a Pep Bruno experience in which members of four reading clubs took part between 2004 and 2005. It gathers the materials used in debates and arguments; or Libroadictos (book-adicts), website aimed to debate about the reading of several books, that changes with the time.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: October 06, 2006

May 08, 2006

Reading for discussion

There was two events related to reading and reading promotion, in Spain, last month. On the one hand, the European Meeting about Books and Reading was held in Madrid with the heading “Reimaginando la lectura”, (Thinking reading up). It was organizad by the European Union and the Spanish Culture Department, in the frame of the multiannual agreement for the cooperation in matter of books and reading, approved and financed jointly by the European Commision, inside the program Culture 2000. It is aimed to know and discuss about the reading habits, promotion policies and the involved agents in its developement along Europe. The conclusions will be officially given to the European Union. At the same time, it was, the I Congreso Nacional de la Lectura, (I National Reading Meeting), held in Cáceres by the Culture Department and the Junta de Extremadura, with the advice of the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. That meeting joined more than 400 people for three days. The joiners were profesionals in different fields, and the gathered round a full program, with representatives of all the fields related to reading. It was an attempt to move forward a clear and full view of reading and its challenges in the 21st Century.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: May 08, 2006

April 17, 2006

New plans for Reading Promotion

The Junta de Andalucía has showed its Plan de Lectura y Bibliotecas, (Reading and Libraries Plan), (Plan LyB), starting an specific programme aimed to support school libraries and promotion reading in public education institutions. The plan will be carried out through four academic years and it involves a budget for the endowment of school libraries and the starting of new projects of reading promotion. Another interesting initiative in this plan is the creation of the Biblioteca Virtual Escolar de Andalucía (Andalucía Virtual School Library). On the other hand, the Junta de Castilla y León, has passed its Plan de Lectura, (Reading Plan), in which, among other aims, it is expected for a half of the total population, to have a card for the public library at the end of the plan, in 2010. It is a remarkable fact that the laws for public reading in this Community will be modified, and a public library is bound by this requirement in municipalities with more than 1,000 inhabitants.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading School libraries | Published: April 17, 2006

March 29, 2006

Reading habits and books acquisition, 2005

The Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE) has just published the Barómetro de hábitos de lectura y compra de libros, 2005, (Barometer for reading habits and books acquisition). In this barometer, which has been periodically published since 1999, it is offered, each three months, the reality about reading habits and acquisition of books in Spain, in order to give a comprehensive summary of the target year. According to this barometer, the real reading habits have developed in a positive way. The figure of readers for 2005 is over the figure for previous years, reaching by 57% of the population. Literature and above all novels, are the most read. The most read book is The Da Vinci Code, as it was in 2004, followed by The shadow of wind. Don Quijote de La Mancha, in its fourth centenary, took the fourth place. A worrying fact is that for third year, the percentage of people who took from a library the last book they read has decreased. It was by 3.5% in 2005. The most common way to gain access to books is by buying them, by 47.3%. Libraries take also the last place as a way of information about books. An special section is dedicated to the use of libraries. By 28.5% of readers have visited a library during the last year and by 80% of them was a public library.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: March 29, 2006

December 02, 2005

Reading Manifesto

Several institutions related to pubslishing, books and libraries, have promoted the Reading Manifesto, in which the importance of reading in education is is defended and it is emphasized the the need for having reading habits in contemporary society. The document makes reflections as the next one: “ Last years have seen an unprecedent effort for the democratization of culture through the Web: Will we have the best libraries in the world in a clic and the citizens will not access to them?” The manifesto proves the essential function of families, schools and libraries in the development of the pleasure of reading.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: December 02, 2005

November 24, 2005

Prize for reading promotion

The Ermua municipality (Vizcaya), has been award-winner with the First Prize for the best project for the VIII Reading Invigoration Campaign in municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants, a prize worth 15,000€ and a lot of books. The money must be given for the improvement of the municipal library. The second prize went to the library Salas de los Infantes (Burgos), and the third one went to Mieres (Asturias) and Navarrete (La Rioja).
In the 2004 official announcement the prizes went to Chinchón (Madrid) and Alovera (Gualajara) and Los Santos de Maimona (Badajoz).
The competition is announced by virtue of a collaboration agreement among the Ministerio de Cultura, the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias and the Fundación Coca-Cola. 516 projects have been proposed by 503 City Councils. In each campaign 350 projects are prizawinning with lots of children’s and teenager’s books, that are financed by the Ministerio de Cultura with 564,950€. In addition to that, since 2002, the Fundacion Coca-Cola finance three prizes that worth 30,000€ in total, shared between the best project in the year and the second and third prizes.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 24, 2005

November 15, 2005

Reading promotion for workers

The Spanish Minister of Culture and the General Union of Workers have signed an agreement to collaborate in the promotion of reading habits among the working population. The Culture Department has told, by press, that the collaboration will consist in the organization of literary programmes, conferences and exhibitions around reading and books.
The agreement is inside the activities for the Reading Promotion plan 2005-2006. Through that plan, there are being done several similar cooperation actions with social colectives and with the local administration.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 15, 2005

October 11, 2005

Reading Promotion Plan

The promotion reading plan 2005-2006 has been launched last October 10th. It will hae a budget of 31 millions of Euros. Its plains of action are: First of all, the development of analysis tools, wich show the reading and librarian action, through statistical data, maps and observatories; next, several projects as literary meetings in educational institutions will be developed; to boost public libraries as a centre for reading promotion projects like the restoration and building of new libraries, to spread the new technologies; An Advertising campaing in TV, cinema and advertising (with an investment of 3,195000€ ); Lots of reading promotion acivities like the campaign “Books in the street”, put new energy in small municipalities, to take part in book ferias, atc.; Finally, work in collaboration with educative and cultural institutions, Ministries, foundations, and other institutions.
An special attention is given to those municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants, to public libraries managed by the Comunidades Autónomas, and to the strenghthening of the depressed social groups like inmigrants, prision population, and handicaped people. This year it insits in guide the users towards public libraries through reading, encouraging people to this habit at home.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: October 11, 2005

October 10, 2005


During the 6, 7, and 8 in Octuberit took place in Barcelona the International Conferences on Easy Reading. Here are grouped the materials that have been prepared in order to be read or understood by people with reading or understanding dificulties.
The IFLA has already published some guidelines about how should be that kind of materials. Those guidelines have been translated into Catalan by the Colegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, that also have arranged the Conferences (COBDC), besides la Associació Lectura Fácil, and the Centre for Easy-to-read in Stockholm.
Among the derived conclusion are the next ones: “The idea about easy reading goes with the idea of reading democracy”; “ It is important to encourage the habit of reading. Scolastic librarie can help the users and collaborate to develope this project”; “The law about books, reading and libraries must take into account the need for make, distribute and spread the Easy Reading materials”.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: October 10, 2005

May 18, 2005

Reading online workshops

More than 50 people have joined around the information technologies in Peñaranda de Bracamonte to read El Quijote. The different Municipal Library reading clubs are interchanging impressions and information through the Sistema de teleformación y foros del Campus Virtual del Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas (CITA) of this
locality in Salamanca. A similar experience is being carried out by the Virtual Reading Club of the public libraries network of Barcelona. Through its web, they will propose a title every mounth and they will include support materials that will help to contextualise the work.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: May 18, 2005

June 12, 2003

Web of the "Plan de Fomento de la Lectura"

The Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte started in 2002 the Plan de Fomento de la Lectura, under which it has developed different projects directly related to libraries, above all public and school libraries. From its web it gives access to information about the plan develompment, but also to interestings educative resources, reading figures and specialized pages in the field of public libraries and books.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: June 12, 2003