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May 25, 2005

The Internet resources selections

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia library has put its Guías BIBUNED online, in which they offer the Internet resources organized in Regions (Comunidades Autónomas). This selection joins to the existing about reference works, one of the most complete pages in Spanish about information sources online. On the other hand, the portal Travesía has included, in its section Ideas para bibliotecarios (Idesas for librarians), the page Recursos de Internet para usuarios de bibliotecas públicas (Internet Resources for public libraries users), from which they give access to those free servers that have been considered useful for public libraries. All the resources are accompanied with a short indicative summary about its content.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources Library collections | Published: May 25, 2005

May 18, 2005

Reading online workshops

More than 50 people have joined around the information technologies in Peñaranda de Bracamonte to read El Quijote. The different Municipal Library reading clubs are interchanging impressions and information through the Sistema de teleformación y foros del Campus Virtual del Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas (CITA) of this
locality in Salamanca. A similar experience is being carried out by the Virtual Reading Club of the public libraries network of Barcelona. Through its web, they will propose a title every mounth and they will include support materials that will help to contextualise the work.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: May 18, 2005

May 04, 2005

Aragón public libraries network

The government of Aragón is preparing a project of Red de Bibliotecas de Aragón (Aragón Libraries Network), based on a collective catalogue and inter-library loan services. According to El Periódico de Aragón the Comisión Asesora de Bibliotecas is working in the actualization of the library legislation and the starting of this network, besides in “la revisión de las estructuras de funcionamiento y de los puestos de trabajo del conjunto de las bibliotecas autonómicas, así como la regulación y homologación de los horarios; y la elaboración de un mapa de lectura de Aragón”(“The revision of function structures and jobs in regional libraries, and also the regulation and accreditation of timetables; and the elaboration of an Aragón reading map”). In this news they talk about the difficulties of the integration of the network of municipal libraries of Zaragoza, because it is an extense library system.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: | Published: May 04, 2005

May 02, 2005

Book and Reading Observatory

The Consejo de Ministros carried out on the 22nd April 2005 surprised the book and library professionals with the presentation of the Informe sobre iniciativas de promoción de la lectura y del libro (Report on initiatives of reading and book promotion). The Consejo de Ministros note says:
“the Consejo de Ministros have received a report on the evolution of the main initiatives in which the Government are working related to reading and book promotion. Among them, we can remark that the Projecto de Ley General del Libro y de Promoción de la Lectura (General Law Project on Book and Reading Promotion) is in preparatory phase. The works for the starting of the Observatorio del Libro y la Lectura (Book and Reading Observatory) are also very advanced, that in a very satisfactory way are working in some countries around ours and have the intention of analyzing the situation of the sector, making suggestions of many kinds and realizing different programmes. Finally, the Minister of Culture has informed about the collective action that the Ministeries of Education and Science and of Culture mean to develope, in cooperation with Regions (Comunidades Autónomas), for the implementation of school libraries in the whole national territory.”
This good news is received with other similar, with the difference that it is a reality and not a project. In this mounth of April they have started the first observatory of this kind in Spain, It is the Observatorio del Libro y la Lectura en Extremadura (Book and Reading Observatory in Extremadura), an initiative from Pacto Extremeño por la Lectura, from which we can know the state of the art in this Region related to book, reading, reading promotion and libraries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: May 02, 2005