September 11, 2008

The newspaper library of Google

In its effort to expand the digital library, started to build with the digitization of books and which has its representation in Google Books, Google now wants to add a digital archive. The company owns the famous search engine has recently announced in his blog that wants to digitize, index and make accessible the journals in the past 200 years of major newspapers. For the moment have begun digitizing the archives of The New York Times and The Washington Post, was expected to do the same with all U.S. and Canadian newspapers and then be extended to other continents. It aims to offer newspapers as published and integrate this historical database in the Google News Service.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: September 11, 2008

July 04, 2006

Project Gutenberg

The Gutenberg Project and the World eBook Library will allow free access to the Intranet, and for a month -from 4th July to 4th August- 300,000 books, most of them from the Electronic Books Worldwide Library, will have a service for subscription. The initiative is inside the World eBook Fair, owing to the commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the first online file in the Gutenberg Project (Declaration of independence of the United States). The Gutenberg Project was born in 1971, being its promoter Michae Hart. Nowadays there are 18,000 books. It is a collaborative and unselfish project in which any Net user can offer help, and it tries to offer literature to the most of people as possible, editing titles which can be accessible in an easy and free way, and being compatible with all kind of computers and softwares, always observing the authors rights.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: July 04, 2006

June 01, 2006

Sign Library

The Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library), the most important virtual library in Spain and one of the most internationally known ones, has a section for users with hearing problems. The Biblioteca de Signos (The Sign Library ) is a collection of texts with videos in which an interpreter shows the work in the Spanish Sign Language (LSE). The catalogue inludes fiction books and also books for the LSE learning, LSE dictionaries, linguistc information and pedagogical resources.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: June 01, 2006

May 26, 2006

Virtual Library of Historical Press

Recently, The Culture Department of Spain has put on line a new information service. It is the Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica, (Virtual Library of Historical Press), through which you can access to periodicals published since the end of the Eighteenth Century. This tool, that can be consulted in all the Spanish official languages and also in English, is the result of a cooperative electronic data processing among the Culture Department, The National Public Libraries, and other institutions for the historical memory. It is intended to preserve and make accessible bibliographic supplies that are unique. The acces to the publications can be done through a list of titles and localities, through a searching engine by title, library where it is located, province or autonomous community, or date of publicaton.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: May 26, 2006

April 04, 2006

Digital resources in Spanish libraries

The Ministerio de Cultura (Culture Department) has put online two useful applications to know the digital collections of Spanish libraries. Both can be consulted in the same URL. On the one hand, the Harvester of Digital Resources is a tool to gain access to the documents in digital libraries or in repositories, in a full text format, observing the protocol Open Archives Initiate- Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, (OAI-PMH). The harvester is periodically updated, and its database is always growing. On the other hand, the Directory of Digital Resources is becoming the first significant compilation of Spanish libraries digital collections. Information is also given about the contents in many diferent digital libraries, their development, funding, subjects, etc, so as the responsibles contact data.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries Open archives | Published: April 04, 2006

March 15, 2006

The European Library

The European Library, is a website where about 50 Europe’s NaTional Libraries offer a common access to their collections. It is a part of the TEL project, sponsored by the European Commission and it has been a fact since January 2004. At source, it is GABRIEL, GAteway and BRIdge to Europe's National Libraries, that joins TEL since summer 2005. Queries can be done in all the participant libraries at the same time, or in a selective way, in specific collections. Theres is an special place inside the site for the most historically interesting digitalized works. It is the first move towards the European Digital Library.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: March 15, 2006

November 18, 2005

Digital libraries initiatives

One year ago, Google walked its first steps with the construction of Google Book Search, first known as Google Prit. In this project google joined together with publishers and important libraries (four in the USA and one in Europe), in order to digitalize about 15 millions of books. Because of the problems with the copyright, the project has been criticized and denunciated by the american publishers associations. That is why the project has been slowed down and even temporarily stopped.
Another important search engine, Yahoo, has reacted by leading the project Open Content Alliance (OCA), in which participate Microsoft, HP, and Adobe, as well as a dozen of American and European libraries. Even if it is not operative yet, it is intended to digitalize about 150,000 books in a first stage. They are commited to ask for the necesary permission for the publication in the Internet of each digitalized picture, in order to avoid the problems that Google carries.
It is significant that Microsoft and The British Library has made an agreement in order to digitalize 100,000 books.
Google returns to the attack the first week in November, announcing the new collection of digitalized books, most of them are public antique books but it is going to be completed with current books in short period of time.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: November 18, 2005

June 01, 2005

Guide for digital libraries

Trea Publishing has published the work Guía metodológica para la implantación de una biblioteca digital universitaria (Methodological Guide for the Creation of a University Digital Libray), realized by professionals and teachers in the Comunidad Valenciana. The book is structured in a progressive way, analyzing the different stages they must face in the formation of a digital library. The first chapters deal with terminology subjects and how to articulate a project of this kind; then, it treats more concrete subjects about the development of a digital library and aspects related such as copyright or cooperation.
Other older documents that will be useful for starting a digital library are Peter's work Noerr Digital The Library Tool Kit and that of Abby Smith Strategies for building digitized collections.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries Monographs | Published: June 01, 2005