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November 18, 2005

Digital libraries initiatives

One year ago, Google walked its first steps with the construction of Google Book Search, first known as Google Prit. In this project google joined together with publishers and important libraries (four in the USA and one in Europe), in order to digitalize about 15 millions of books. Because of the problems with the copyright, the project has been criticized and denunciated by the american publishers associations. That is why the project has been slowed down and even temporarily stopped.
Another important search engine, Yahoo, has reacted by leading the project Open Content Alliance (OCA), in which participate Microsoft, HP, and Adobe, as well as a dozen of American and European libraries. Even if it is not operative yet, it is intended to digitalize about 150,000 books in a first stage. They are commited to ask for the necesary permission for the publication in the Internet of each digitalized picture, in order to avoid the problems that Google carries.
It is significant that Microsoft and The British Library has made an agreement in order to digitalize 100,000 books.
Google returns to the attack the first week in November, announcing the new collection of digitalized books, most of them are public antique books but it is going to be completed with current books in short period of time.

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